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Without question, a tummy tuck is a life-changing procedure. When I’m consulting with moms, they’ll often confide that they wrestle with the choice to have plastic surgery, mostly because of social stigmas around cosmetic surgery being a vanity expense. While there is a segment of the population who are in fact plastic surgery “seekers,” moms don’t typically fall into this category.

The moms in my practice typically put themselves last on the list of priorities where self-care is concerned, and it’s the main reason why helping them transform their figure is so personally fulfilling for me.

Restoring your body after pregnancy and childbirth also restores confidence and is a major boost to the self-image of many moms. And while we tend to focus on the benefits we can see, we often overlook additional benefits that come with getting a tummy tuck.

Tummy Tuck Benefits 

#1: Weight loss

By definition, a tummy tuck will remove excess weight directly from around the waist, and when combined with liposuction even more weight loss can be expected. While we don’t recommend surgery as a weight loss tool, it’s important to know that removing excess skin and fat can move the needle on the scale. For others, the changes they see with their tummy tuck motivate them to lose more weight as well as tone and firm other areas of the body.

#2: Hernia Repair

A hernia is a bulging of an organ or tissue through an abnormal opening, typically caused by pressure or stress on the organs. The abdominal weakness caused by pregnancy and weight gain can contribute to the formation of a hernia and requires surgical repair. During tummy tuck surgery, your plastic surgeon can also repair any hernias without having you divide your concerns into two separate surgeries.

Hernias at the abdominal wall are called ventral hernias and are usually found along the midline where the abdominal muscles join. I’ll also commonly perform umbilical (belly button) hernia repair for moms when creating their new belly button. Patients love the dual procedure perk because it alleviates the burning or aching bulge in their abdomen.

#3: Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI)

During pregnancy, the increased pressure of a growing uterus and fetal weight on a woman’s pelvic-floor muscles throughout pregnancy coupled with pregnancy-related hormonal changes can cause the pelvic floor to become weak. Pregnancy also puts more pressure on the bladder, and urethra, causing stress urinary incontinence (SUI).

Post pregnancy, many women are left with a bladder control condition where pressure such as sneezing, coughing, or exercise causes leakage of urine. Studies show a tummy tuck can improve SUI and provide more support to the bladder by tightening the abdomen. It’s a total game-changer for women who have silently been battling the condition.

#4: Reduce Back Pain & Improve Posture

Back pain

The abdominal muscles and back muscles support core body strength. Diastasis recti is the separation of the rectus abdominis muscles, or “six-pack” muscles, which meet in the middle of the stomach. Diastasis recti is common during and after pregnancy because the uterus stretches the abdominal muscles to make room for the growing baby. If you’ve ever had babies, you’ll understand that the muscle separation causes abdominal protrusion that puts additional pressure and strain on the lower back muscles.

In a tummy tuck, your plastic surgeon repairs the abdominal muscles (rectus plication), strengthening the abdominal wall, creating a flat abdomen, and alleviating pressure at the back, thereby improving back pain.

Improved posture

You will definitely be carrying yourself with a greater measure of confidence, but there is also a benefit to reinforcing your core with surgical muscle repair. Once fully healed from tummy tuck surgery, your stronger core and repaired abdominal wall will also improve your posture. The stronger core gives support to your spine, improving posture.

#5: Numerous Medical Benefits

We’re by no means suggesting you get an abdominoplasty to reap medical benefits. In fact, for certain conditions like heart disease and diabetes, I require medical clearance from your managing care physician. That said, many patients see improvement in medical conditions such as diabetes, and hypertension caused by the removal of extra skin and fat.

Removing excess abdominal fat can make diabetes more manageable. Many tummy tuck patients become more active after surgery with their thinner bodies. Increased physical activity is known to lower stress, improve sleep, lower blood pressure, and improve heart function.

#6: Skin Benefits

In cases where the abdominal skin falls over the lower abdominal crease, an overhang results in an embarrassing condition where moisture is trapped against the skin. This can lead to skin irritation, skin rashes, and even fungal infections. Removing the overhang will alleviate these symptoms, providing relief for moms who struggle with this problem. Many women often tell me they feel more attractive with fewer stretch marks, and not having to conceal or tuck their loose skin to pants, swimsuits, and underwear.

#7: Wardrobe Improvement

After a tummy tuck, patients have many more options in clothing. Many patients who wear looser-fitting elastic pants will be able to wear form-fitting clothes. And for the first time since pregnancy, some women mention going down in pant size once fully healed.

#8: More Positive Outlook on Life

Patients who look better will inevitably feel better about themselves. Our minds and bodies are interconnected and with an improved body comes an improved mind and an overall better quality of life. 

Tummy Tuck Surgery In Pakistan.

I hope that by detailing the numerous benefits a woman can experience by having tummy tuck surgery will help moms. The obvious is the beautiful result obtained by having a tummy tuck. Less obvious, but equally important benefits are improvements seen and felt in a mom’s overall physical well-being.

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